Directory of Barter Companies Near North Tonawanda, New York

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near North Tonawanda, New York who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16400 results for you

Restaurants - Ims Barter Card

Drive Thru BBQ! We are the ultimate destination for award winning BBQ! Cooked low and slow and served fast and friendly. To place an order check out our menu on / class="redacted-website">/jlbbq and then text Joe at the following: your IMS account #, business name and contact name, then the items you would like to order. Joe will send a confirmation reply and time to pick up. Catering available by broker referral.

North Tonawanda, NY
0.28 miles away

Payment Method Barter Card

Drive Thru BBQ! We are the ultimate destination for award winning BBQ! Cooked low and slow and served fast and friendly. To place an order check out our menu on / class="redacted-website">/jlbbq and then text Joe at the following: your IMS account #, business name and contact name, then the items you would like to order. Joe will send a confirmation reply and time to pick up. Catering available by broker referral.

North Tonawanda, NY
0.28 miles away

Lawn Irrigation Services

Offering sprinkler systems service, repair and maintenance including yearly open and close. Servicing the Amherst, Clarence, Williamsville, Orchard Park and City of Buffalo areas. Without great service you just have a lawn sprinkler.... with great service you have a Sprinkler. Call for your appointment today and mention that you are an IMS member. Note, sprinkler systems and installs not available. Appointments based on availability.

North Tonawanda, NY
0.57 miles away


Our focus on flavor and homemade approach to our recipes will show you amore is not only part of our name, it’s also part of each dish we make! So whether you select one of our award winning pizzas, wood fired wings, or tempting desserts you’ll taste the amore in our fresh made selections! Each oven is an authentic wood fire brick oven and hardwood is our exclusive fuel source! Must call ahead to place your order and identify yourself as an IMS member. Walk-ins welcome too, must show IMS card. (Not a dine in facility)

North Tonawanda, NY
1.11 miles away

Restaurants - Ims Barter Card

Our focus on flavor and homemade approach to our recipes will show you amore is not only part of our name, it’s also part of each dish we make! So whether you select one of our award winning pizzas, wood fired wings, or tempting desserts you’ll taste the amore in our fresh made selections! Each oven is an authentic wood fire brick oven and hardwood is our exclusive fuel source! Must call ahead to place your order and identify yourself as an IMS member. Walk-ins welcome too, must show IMS card. (Not a dine in facility)

North Tonawanda, NY
1.11 miles away

North Tonawanda, NY
1.11 miles away

Restaurants - Mds Scrip

Our focus on flavor and homemade approach to our recipes will show you amore is not only part of our name, it’s also part of each dish we make! So whether you select one of our award winning pizzas, wood fired wings, or tempting desserts you’ll taste the amore in our fresh made selections! Each oven is an authentic wood fire brick oven and hardwood is our exclusive fuel source! Must call ahead to place your order and identify yourself as an IMS member. Walk-ins welcome too, must show IMS card. (Not a dine in facility)

North Tonawanda, NY
1.11 miles away

North Tonawanda, NY
1.11 miles away

Compressor Sales/Service

We strive to provide consistent, standard-setting service and products to every customer. Services include air audits, leak inspections, general inspections, preventative maintenance and more. We service any compressor regardless of size, make or model Call to schedule service and mention that you are an IMS member. (Note sales of compressors require broker referral)

Buffalo, NY
1.94 miles away

Rentals - Party & Tent

Let us help you make your next event memorable! We offer rental of everything you need to make your party or event successful including tents, tables, chairs, concession equipment and inflatables. Based on availability. You must immediately identify yourself as a fellow IMS member when calling to reserve any product. Note delivery and set up fees excluded.

Amherst, NY
2.43 miles away